Olga Reed

(940) 536-7259 // olga@nailandkey.com

I was born in Lewisville and split my school years between the Metroplex and Richmond, Virginia. I attended Virginia Tech (go Hokies), and graduated with a degree in Communication and Print Journalism, just in time for print journalism to go out of style. I met my husband at VT and we moved to Dallas after graduation. When I couldn’t get a job at a newspaper, I started working in retail. For the last five years, I have juggled being a mom and working a demanding luxury retail career. While I enjoyed the perks and the opportunities that my career provided, what I loved the most was meeting people and creating lasting relationships with them. I am thrilled to be a part of Nail & Key to have the opportunity to use the skills I acquired in luxury retail along with my passion for people! During my spare time, you can find me being a mom to my two little loves, cooking or baking, sharing a charcuterie board with my friends, reading, and fixing up my fixer-upper.

Beverage of Choice:

Topo Chico

Current obsession:


Can't live without:

My Le Creuset dutch oven and college football

Favorite Meal in DFW:

Anything from St. Martin’s Wine Bistro

Favorite Team to root for:

Virginia Tech Hokies

What do you love about your job:

The people!

Interesting Fact:

Spanish is my first language!

Enneagram Number:
