Rebecca Rehling
(469) 328-3489 //
I was born and raised here in DFW...specifically in Flower Mound my entire life. I met my husband, Casey, junior year of high school, and we've been together ever since. We both went to and graduated from Texas A&M University (whoop!), where I became an elementary education major. I went on to teach for 3 years and after having my first child, decided to stay at home with him. I work remotely from home, so if you ever hear a child yelling in the background of a phone call, it's not one of our agents…it’s one of my four crazy children! 🙃 I enjoy working with a community that values its team members and with clients who have become such good friends! In my free time I enjoy dressing my family in matching outfits, using portrait mode on the iPhone so I feel like an actual photographer, and trying to come up with a way to make it on Dancing with the Stars without being remotely famous at all.
Beverage of Choice:
Coke Zero
Current obsession:
Going thrifting
Can't live without:
Hallmark Christmas movies. My guilty pleasure, except I don't feel guilty about it at all.
Favorite Meal in DFW:
Hibachi from Asahi in Flower Mound
Favorite Team to root for:
Do the couples on Dancing with the Stars count? If not, then the Texas Aggies.
What do you love about your job:
I love the flexibility it gives me to be a stay-at-home mom while also feeding into my obsession with organization and order.
Interesting Fact:
I can't smell (no, it's not COVID). I know all things The Office trivia. I can speak Spanish but I choose not to because it's harder than English. I'm really good at picking out the perfect mango.
Enneagram Number:
Whatever number doesn't care what their number is 😉